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Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina. Signs include discharge, itching and pain. The cause of vaginitis is usually a due to a change in the normal balance of vaginal bacteria or an infection. It can also result from reduced estrogen levels after menopause, typical in middle-aged women.

There are a few types of vaginitis, including bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, vaginal atrophy, and trichomoniasis. Femmesil quickly treats vaginitis and restores natural feminine balance.

femmesil® Ultra Therapy Ointment

femmesil ultra ointment 28 Gram Tube $19.95
  • Kills fungus up to 2.5 times faster than major brands*
  • Rapidly relieves itch, irritation, inflammation, burning, soreness, pain, discharge, and odor
  • Improvement within 1 to 3 days for even stubborn, recurring symptoms‡
  • 90-day, risk-free guarantee

The most reported period of time to see improvement is 1 day. Expected product performance is based on customer experiences, as stated in customer feedback submitted over a seven-year period (as of September 4, 2012). Treatment time varies based on the severity of symptoms. *Based on fungal viability assay testing performed using a Becton Dickinson FACSCalibur™. We do not identify brand names as a competitive courtesy. Contact us for more details.

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