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Dermatitis, an itchy skin inflammation, can cause dryness, recurring rashes, swelling, flaking and cracking. In advanced outbreaks, lesions and blisters can develop which may leave discolored spots on the skin. For most people, outbreaks are sporadic and become less frequent with age. For others, dermatitis is a life-long, recurrent problem. Sufferers can help prevent skin dermatitis symptoms by identifying and avoiding exposure to skin irritants. "Spot-testing" new skin products on a small area can help identify irritants. Products formulated for sensitive skin are usually safer.

Terrasil Itch, Rash & Pain Relief quickly and gently treats the itch and inflammation of dermatitis. Unlike other products that use unnecessary chemicals, artificial scents and toxic preservatives, Terrasil Itch, Rash & Pain Relief uses only the finest essential oils and organic moisturizers for your dermatitis treatment. Together, these ingredients soothe and gently repair flaky patches of skin dermatitis.

terrasil Itch, Rash and Pain Relief

terrasil itch, rash and pain relief 14 Gram Tube $20.95
  • Treats dermatitis itch, rash, pain, irritation and redness
  • Speeds the healing of dry, cracked skin
  • Improvement in 24 hours for even stubborn symptoms*
  • 90-day, risk-free guarantee

* Expected product performance is based on customer experiences, as stated in customer feedback submitted over a seven-year period (as of September 4, 2012). The most reported period of time to see improvement is one day.

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