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Dermatitis Herpetiformis

Dermatitis Herpetiformis, also known as DH or Celiac Rash, is a skin condition that produces a cluster of itchy blister-like bumps surrounded by a painful rash. There is no proven cause, although it is widely believed that the condition results from an allergy to gluten (a protein found in many wheat and grain products). The expected progression of an outbreak includes a tingling or burning sensation on the skin; the formation of tiny clear blisters and a rash throughout the affected area; the drainage of blisters (usually forced drainage, through excessive scratching); the healing of blistered skin; and finally, a collection of scabs that slowly fades. Dermatitis herpetiformis symptoms usually appear on the elbows, knees, scalp, buttocks and back, but can appear elsewhere according to condition severity.

Usually, dermatitis herpetiformis symptoms first present themselves in men and women over the age of 20. It is chronic and causes a lifelong threat of rash outbreak. According to recent statistics, remission from dermatitis herpetiformis only occurs in 10-20% of patients. Treatments are considered successful when they can manage the itch and discomfort, or reduce the length of the outbreak. Avoiding foods containing gluten can help to prevent this condition only in certain cases. There is no cure for dermatitis herpetiformis. If you experience symptoms resembling those associated with this condition, do not attempt to self-diagnose. Seek advice from a medical professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. As the condition is associated with Celiac disease resulting from gluten allergies, symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting or unexplained weight loss may also be present.

Terrasil Itch, Rash & Pain Relief's powerful formulation provides gentle, all-natural relief from painful dermatitis herpetiformis rash and soothes skin on contact.

terrasil Itch, Rash and Pain Relief

terrasil itch, rash and pain relief 14 Gram Tube $20.95
  • Relieves itchiness and burning
  • Clears bumps and blisters
  • FDA-registered remedy
  • Improvement in 24 hours for even stubborn symptoms*
  • 90-day, risk-free guarantee

* Expected product performance is based on customer experiences, as stated in customer feedback submitted over a seven-year period (as of September 4, 2012). The most reported period of time to see improvement is one day.

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