Prurigo Simplex
Prurigo Simplex, also known as chronic prurigo of adults, prurigo mitis, and hebra prurigo, is a skin condition that produces a symmetrical grouping of small, itchy, blister-like bumps. They are most likely to develop on the arms, legs and buttocks, but can also appear on the head, neck, chest and back. Generally, blisters are light red in color; when they turn dark, the condition is referred to as prurigo pigmentosa. Due to extreme itch, sufferers scratch the affected area persistently, causing the papules to burst open and spread into a scaly rash. Itch tends to worsen significantly at night.
There is no known cure for this condition, and the cause has not been determined. If you experience symptoms resembling those associated with this condition, do not attempt to self-diagnose. Seek advice from a medical professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. Prurigo simplex is thought to be aggravated by stress. Treatment goals include protecting skin against secondary infection and controlling bothersome itch.
Terrasil Itch, Rash & Pain Relief eliminates itch and quickly soothes rash irritation. The all-natural formulation treats skin bumps.
Rapid Relief from Itchy Prurigo Simplex Rash
terrasil Itch, Rash and Pain Relief

- Treats prurigo simplex itch, rash, irritation and redness
- FDA-registered remedy
- Improvement in 24 hours for even stubborn symptoms*
- 90-day, risk-free guarantee
* Expected product performance is based on customer experiences, as stated in customer feedback submitted over a seven-year period (as of September 4, 2012). The most reported period of time to see improvement is one day.