Jock Itch
Jock Itch, also called ringworm of the groin, is a common infection resulting from an overgrowth of fungus on the skin surface. The groin area is prone to fungus because of the moist, warm environment it creates and the friction that occurs between skin and clothing.
The main symptoms of jock itch are itching of the groin and thighs, skin redness with a well-defined border surrounding the groin area, cracking and scaling of the skin and blisters. Jock itch affects males more often than females. It is common in athletic environments due to the sweating and friction associated with physical activity, and the ease with which the fungus is transmitted by skin-to-skin contact, clothing, and shared towels.
Terrasil Jock Itch Treatment treats jock itch while relieving itching, redness, inflammation and irritation. Natural, long-lasting moisturizers soothe scaly, cracked skin.
Find Relief from Jock Itch Now!
terrasil Jock Itch Treatment Maximum Strength
- Kills fungus up to 6 times faster than major brands*
- Relieves itch, inflammation, redness and irritation
- Doctor recommended
- Improvement within 1 to 7 days for even difficult jock itch symptoms‡
- 90-day, risk-free guarantee
‡ Out of customers who reported improvement within 1 to 7 days, the average time of improvement was 3.7 days. Expected product performance is based on customer experiences, as stated in customer feedback submitted over a seven-year period (as of September 4, 2012). Treatment times vary based on the size and severity of symptoms. * Based on fungal viability assay testing performed using a Becton Dickinson FACSCalibur™. We do not identify brand names as a competitive courtesy. Contact us for more details.