Bedsores, also called pressure sores, pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers, are areas of skin that have been damaged by sustained pressure and loss of circulation. Without blood circulation replenishing these areas, the affected skin tissue deteriorates, creating an open sore in its place.
Sustained skin pressure and circulation loss is usually a result of serious immobilization caused by conditions such as paralysis, injury, illness or obesity. Pressure sores can arise on any area of the body but are most common along bony spots that are not well protected by muscle, fat or other tissue padding.
Bedsores treatment requires diligent cleaning throughout the healing process. In addition, frequent repositioning, physical therapy and/or special pillows may be helpful. Terrasil Bed Sore & Pressure Sore Ointment guards against bacterial infection and reduces inflammation with our bedsores treatment.
Find Relief from Bed Sores and Pressure Sores Now!
terrasil Bed Sore & Pressure Sore Relief

- More than 3X the bacteria-fighting power of other products* to stop the germs that delay bed sore healing
- Relieves inflammation, redness and discomfort without causing pain
- Customer report relief within 1 to 7 days‡
- Designed for easy, at-home use: no complicated therapies or procedures
- 90-day, risk-free guarantee