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Nasal Vestibulitis

Nasal Vestibulitis is a bacterial infection that starts in the hair follicles of the nose. Symptoms include swelling, redness, tenderness and tiny pimple-like bumps around the base of the nose. As pus-filled bumps start to drain, they form sensitive crusts or scabs.

Treating nasal vestibulitis bumps requires gentle but diligent cleaning throughout the healing process. Terrasil Wound Care guards against infection-causing bacteria while promoting healing. Terrasil also soothes redness and inflammation, which can help nasal bumps to drain.

Warning: Ointment is not intended to be use inside the nasal cavity.

terrasil Infection-Protection Wound Care Ointment

terrasil wound care 14 Gram Tube $24.00
  • More than 3X the bacteria-fighting power of other products* to stop the germs that delay nasal vestibulitis from healing
  • Supports faster healing and soothes swelling, redness, and tenderness
  • Doctor Recommended
  • Improvement within 1 to 2 Days‡
  • FDA-registered remedy
  • 90-day, risk-free guarantee

Expected product performance is based on customer experiences, as stated in customer feedback submitted over a seven-year period (as of September 4, 2012). The most reported period of time to see improvement is 2 days. Treatment times vary based on the user's overall health, the age and size of the wound, and the severity of any existing infection. * Based on bacterial viability assay testing performed using a Becton Dickinson FACSCalibur™. Products tested were Bacitracin and triple antibiotic ointment.

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