Toe Ulcers
Toe Ulcers are sores with surrounding tissue damage. Toe ulcers often appear on the feet and lower legs. They are red, inflamed and sometimes moist or painful to the touch.
Ulcers typically develop on skin that is fragile, stressed or malnourished. People with poor circulation (due to diabetes or immobility), elderly people, those who use corticosteroids for an extended period of time, people who are malnourished, and those with extended dehydration are the likeliest sufferers.
Treating ulcers requires diligent cleaning of the affected skin throughout the healing process. Terrasil Wound Care guards against bacterial infection while promoting healing and reducing inflammation at the wound site.
Faster Healing of Toe Ulcers
terrasil Infection-Protection Wound Care Ointment

- More than 3X the bacteria-fighting power of other products* to stop the germs that delay toe ulcers from healing
- Supports faster healing and minimizes scarring
- Soothes inflammation and redness
- Improvement within 1 to 2 Days‡
- FDA-registered remedy
- 90-day, risk-free guarantee
‡ Expected product performance is based on customer experiences, as stated in customer feedback submitted over a seven-year period (as of September 4, 2012). The most reported period of time to see improvement is 2 days. Treatment times vary based on the user's overall health, the age and size of the wound, and the severity of any existing infection. * Based on bacterial viability assay testing performed using a Becton Dickinson FACSCalibur™. Products tested were Bacitracin and triple antibiotic ointment.